Submission 161

Dear you,

You know it doesn’t get any easier, minutes, hours and months pass but I think about you every day. Does it feel real? Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. I crave the sound of your laugh, the times we’d spend silent but in one another’s company and your infectious smile. I wish I knew what it was like to still have you here because there’s an emptiness inside that doesn’t ever go away. I talk about you, even the smaller things because how can one forget such a big character. I like to think you’ve found your peace because you always deserved it.

The thing is I never thought I’d be here writing this to you because you were always a constant in my life and that was taken away too soon. If I’ve learnt one thing it’s that grief doesn’t disappear, it becomes a part of you and that’s ok. I sit and think about what I would, could or should have done but then remember what we did, what we had and what we were. We have memories that will never disappear and for that I am grateful. You were sunshine and still are, just in a different life. Keep shining, it’s how I know you’re there. Until we meet again my dear friend, I love you today, tomorrow and always x


Submission 162


Submission 160