The Mending Word- A healing space for grieving and connecting


The Mending Word is a grief writing workshop created for those who have lost a loved one. It was created by founder Michal Baitz after she experienced the loss of her mother and father within two years of each other. Michal was in search of a space where she was able to share her thoughts openly with others who were going through loss as well. When she couldn’t find this type of community, she decided to build one herself and founded The Mending Word.

The Mending Word is a grief writing group that meets virtually twice a month. Through grief-related materials and guided prompts, the members discuss, write and share their experiences. The newest Mending Word series also features grief writing workshop sessions created specifically for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Michal arranges the groups according to age and type of loss so each member will be going through a similar loss, so this could be a great way for those who are going through similar grief to connect with each other. 

The groups vary from 3-10 people and the cost for participation varies depending on how many sessions you take part in. On the website, you can also view the writings from members of the workshops. 

The Mending Word could be a great space for those experiencing suicide bereavement seeking a community and safe space to express their grief through creative means such as writing. New series of workshops begin throughout the year with weekly or bimonthly sessions to choose from and you can register here.


Virtual support groups for people bereaved by suicide


Advice for parents and carers after a suicide