Our Mission

To support bereaved individuals and open the conversation around suicide-related grief.


Bereavement in all forms can be traumatic, however suicide often brings a range of added emotions to navigate.


The team’s passion for helping others deal with this specific type of grief comes from a variety of personal experience of losing a loved one to suicide. It all started with our co-founders, Amelia and Emma, who both lost a parent to suicide. With their entrepreneurial spirit and empathetic nature, this double act is determined to do things differently; providing the support needed whilst also opening up the conversation and addressing the stigma.

We strongly believe in the power of conversation and use a variety of initiatives to spark conversations and encourage open dialogues around bereavement from suicide and mental health more generally. In terms of the services we provide, we focus on one-on-one professional support through talking therapies offering our Counselling Service and Helpline that are staffed by bereavement counsellors.

There are also lots of resources on our website for you to explore that can support different aspects of your grief journey (e.g. books and podcast recommendations).

We’re glad you’ve found us and whatever your situation we hope we can support you today.


Meet The Team

Our Ambassadors